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It’s never too late

Day FifteenIt’s never too late: "

|2/52 - weightless watchers| The original sin.  2/52 Triangles

365 Project: Day One

January is in full swing and we see that many of you have already started projects for 2011: The 365 days and 52 weeks projects are definitely the most popular ones. But there are also other challenges like film swapping, or taking part in a project by one of the many existing groups.

You can find a lot of inspiration by doing searches for "365" or "52" in conjunction with random themes, camera types, creative styles, … you name it!

So fear not, do it on your own or grab a mate, and make today the first day of your personal or collaborative 2011 project! We’re excited to follow the results across the year.

Photos from, |md|photography|, Rachel Dowda, d_russell, and Kill The Light Photography.
